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#294 w/World War I
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World War I is a remake of the classic game from Strategy & Tactics #51, chosen by readers during "March Mag-ness" in 2013. It covers the entire war in Europe, with the map now extended into the Middle East, to include Palestine, Mesopotamia, and Persia. Hexes are approximately 60 kilometers (36 miles) across, slightly more one the Middle East map section. Most units are armies (100,000 to 200,000 men), with some specialized corps like the Italian Arditi. Turns are six months long, with multiple movement and attack phases in each.

The key to the game is the Mobilization Point (MP), an abstract representation of manpower, weapons, supplies, and money. Each nation receives MP each turn based on the size of its economy, which gradually diminishes as the war progresses (unless enemy resources are captured). MP are used to build new units and installations, to absorb losses from combat, and to purchase special campaign markers which allow extended operations or grant temporary benefits in combat. Diplomacy rears its head as both sides woo neutral powers.

The main scenario covers the entire war from 1914-1918, with the action starting in the fall of 1914 using the historical set up. If players desire, the war can be extended into 1919. A second scenario covers the same period (including 1919) but allows free set up during initial deployment. Two short scenarios cover the opening phase of the war (two turns) and the final great battles to bring the war to an end (four turns).