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#1 "Welcome to Umerica, The Technologist Class, An Interesting Place to Die"

By: Shield of Faith Studios

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Crawling Under a Broken Moon Fanzine

Product Info

#1 "Welcome to Umerica, The Technologist Class, An Interesting Place to Die"
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Foretold in the ancient calendars, early in the 21st century a rogue object from deep space hurtled between the Earth and the Moon. Its passage caused catastrophic destruction around the globe, ripping the very fabric of time and space itself; yet mankind still survived. Centuries later, the planet is reborn… a strange new place of alien wonder and death: a world ruled by savagery, cruel sorcery, and twisted science. Now is the time for the mighty to rise up and take their place in this perilous and untamed land. Will they bring justice or suffering? Only time will tell...

Welcome to the first issue of Crawling Under A Broken Moon, a fanzine dedicated to bringing gonzo post apocalyptic content for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG from Goodman Games.

In this issue you will discover the following articles:

  • Welcome to Umerica
  • Crawling in a Gonzo Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy World
  • The Technologist
  • A class dedicated to the accumulation of scientific knowledge and power
  • Weapons of the Wastelands
  • Guns, Guns, and more Guns
  • Twisted Menagerie
  • The Sharkhana, Debris Elemental, and Sentrybot
  • An Interesting Place to Die - Blooms Fashions: a store with clothes to die for