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TSR AD&D Adventure Begins Here Sign Set


Type: Other

Product Line: Miscellaneous Promos, Calendars, Clothing and Rare, Obscure Items

Last Stocked on 7/10/2015

Product Info

TSR AD&D Adventure Begins Here Sign Set
NKG Part #


Get yourself the best old-school game room imaginable with this fantastic set of classic signs for the AD&D game. These three signs are classically styled with the instantly recognizable D&D red dragon on each. The smallest sign is perfect for a tabletop at 16" x 10". It is cut into a 1/2" thick board and can easily stand up on the countertop to show off your collector prowess.

The Second sign Reads "Adventure Gaming Headquarters" and is also cut into a 1/4" thick board. Lamentably one small section of one wing has broken off and the piece is missing. However it broke cleanly and is noticeable only upon very close scrutiny. It stands 21" x 23" it has two screw holes in it perfect for mounting to the wall outside your game room.

The last sign in your set measures 21.5" x 31.5". It is cardboard with grommets in the corners to be hung from a wall or the ceiling. It is somewhat worse for the wear having many creases along its width, but rest assured it is a highly unique prize.