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Tobruk Deprogrammed

By: Critical Hit

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Tobruk - BRL 1192 (Critical Hit)

Last Stocked on 11/23/2018

Product Info

Tobruk Deprogrammed
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


This is TOBRUK: DEPROGRAMMED, the long awaited 'back to the beginning of it all and then some' tactical-level gaming project. As the sole rights holder to the original, CH is committed to its longevity and serving the memories of everyone that ever marveled over the ground-breaking project that literally brought proving-ground research, BRL-1192, and the genius of one man outside the wargame clique of the day ... to the fore. To that end, we're staying true to the original, with enhancements that have proven the test of time. And this is YOUR time, to be that young boy again that opened the box after gazing upon the NATO-symboled wargames of the day ... to see a new future. In the hot desert sands of North Africa, as you commanded individual tanks, squads, machine-guns ... for the first time in a tactical-level wargame.

Fast forward 40 years since the 1974 inception of what would be an award-winning game. Bring to it MIT grad Brian McCue, Ph.D., a die-hard and longstanding fan of TOBRUK ... and the man behind DE-programming the original ... and you have a system ready to be born, with a full-blown, systematized rules-set in hand. You also have the confines of the original project, previously announced. The project is now ready to order and has been expanded to provide a truly ENHANCED RETRO experience. What does that mean? It entails getting you the look and feel you loved from the original ... with modest but important enhancements to add play value and make things new and fresh again These additions include:

  • 5/8 AFV and ATG counters with accurate, detailed art but using the original colors and text format (larger and easier to read);
  • Large hexes on cardboard map panels that recreate A-B-C-D-E-F with significantly increased hexes, perfect for the new larger counters;
  • Folding color play aids replace the originals on the old stock and printing methods available back in the day;
  • Enhanced counter presentation includes TURRETS ... yes! And in accurate overhead views so you can historically mate turret and tank (used the existing optional rules for turret facing);
  • The counter and terrain expansions are included, which means more options on the desert battlefield for maneuver, hull-defilade .. more AFV and ATG types ... galore!
  • Additional markers to replace some of the records-keeping of the original and speed play while keeping the classic mechanics in place;
  • A host of additional scenarios and counters ready to return YOUR SUPPORT of this project and then some!