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Dwimmermount (Labyrinth Lord)

By: Autarch

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Adventurer Conqueror King System

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Last Stocked on 3/16/2024

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Dwimmermount (Labyrinth Lord)
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The gates of Dwimmermount have opened. After years of rumors, it is time to discover the secrets of this vast mountain fortress for yourself…

Dwimmermount is a classic megadungeon and old-school campaign setting presented use with Labyrinth Lord and other d20-based fantasy role-playing games.

The 400-page Dwimmermount hardcover includes:

  • 16 maps and 44 illustrations by masters of old-school art such as Erol Otus and Jeff Dee
  • 13 mapped, keyed, and stocked dungeon levels containing a total of 715 fully-described and detailed encounter areas for players and their characters to discover – with random tables to generate even more!
  • 86 monsters and 70 magic items to confound, challenge, and reward your players.
  • 6 pre-generated adventuring parties to serve as rivals for your player characters.
  • A gazetteer of the lands surrounding Dwimmermount, both civilized and wilderness, in order to support sandbox play outside of the megadungeon.
  • An overview of Muntburg, a fortified town nestled in the shadows of Dwimmermount, intended to serve as a “home base” for the player characters between expeditions into the dungeon's depths.
  • A history of the dungeon from its earliest days to the present, with innovative mechanics that reward the characters for learning the secrets of the past.
  • Descriptions of numerous factions operating within and without the dungeon, whose activities add a further layer of complexity to Dwimmermount.
  • Discussions of ways to approach Dwimmermount, both as a player and as a referee, including insight into the dungeon's origins and design.
  • Over 40 different works by top artists including Jeff Dee, Mark Allen, Eric Quigely, Conor Nolan, John Larrey, Steve Zieser, Russ Nicholson, Kelvin Green, and the grand master of old-school fantasy, Erol Otus.

    In the Golden Age of fantasy roleplaying, the dungeon was linchpin of adventure design and the sandbox was the assumed role for a campaign setting. With Dwimmermount, the Golden Age has returned.