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Platoon Leader (2nd Edition)

By: H&S Games

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Platoon Leader

Product Info

Platoon Leader (2nd Edition)
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Platoon Leader strives to walk the fine line between complexity and simplicity while giving the solitaire player a respectful nod, all for an affordable price. The core of the system involves an orders phase followed by an action phase. The physiognomy of the game involves a random draw to determine when and where German units may pop up coupled with an optional German A.I. consisting of three types of demeanor: passive, level, and aggressive. Platoon leaders within the game are given the realistic responsibility of leading, and not the cinematic role of superhero. Similarly, platoons would do well to "follow the leader" or suffer the consequences. The introductory scenario provides a quick way to hop right in while the first scenario is guaranteed to fully immerse the player (in a good way.) The second scenario deals with random airborne drops which invite sheer chaos as not only are the locations of the Germans unknown beforehand, neither are the locations of the allies (that is until they land.) Admittedly, the scenarios are few but luckily a saving grace of the system is its high level of replayability which effectively stamps out repetitious boredom (and there's the zombie variant so...)