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Last Stocked on 5/26/2017

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X-Wing Miniatures Game - Wave 6 Complete Set!
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Miniatures Box Set


Don't miss out on all the Star Wars X-Wing ship to ship combat with this Wave 6 complete set!


  • Wave 6 - IG-2000 Expansion Pack
  • Wave 6 - M3-A Interceptor Expansion Pack
  • Wave 6 - Most Wanted Expansion Pack
  • Wave 6 - StarViper Expansion Pack

    Wave 6 - IG-2000 Expansion Pack

    A heavily modified Aggressor assault fighter, IG-2000 was the signature vessel of one of the galaxy’s deadliest bounty hunters, the Assassin Droid IG-88. In X-Wing, the IG-2000 is a powerful, large-base starfighter capable of performing the demanding Segnor’s Loop maneuver. The IG-2000 Expansion Pack brings this ship to your table with one carefully detailed and pre-painted IG-2000 miniature, four ship cards, twelve upgrades, a maneuver dial, and all the tokens you need to hunt down your prey and obliterate it.

    Wave 6 - M3-A Interceptor Expansion

    The lightest starfighter designed by MandalMotors, the M3-A “Scyk” interceptor features a versatile weapon mount that quickly made it a mainstay among the fleets controlled by the galaxy’s most powerful and ambitious scum. The M3-A Interceptor Expansion Pack for X-Wing includes one pre-painted M3-A interceptor miniature, four ship cards, and five upgrades, allowing you to fly this ship as a nimble low-budget Scum faction fighter or as a “Heavy Scyk,” capable of equipping a cannon, torpedoes, and missiles.

    Wave 6 - Most Wanted Expansion Pack

    Get your Scum and Villainy faction quickly up to speed with the Most Wanted Expansion Pack for X-Wing! Featuring three starship miniatures with alternative, Scum-themed paint schemes and a whole fleet’s worth of ship cards, upgrades, tokens, and maneuver dials, the Most Wanted Expansion Pack serves as the core of your Scum and Villainy faction, establishing its flavor and allowing you to quickly assemble a fleet by repurposing your existing X-Wing starships for use within the faction.

    Wave 6 - StarViper Expansion Pack

    Prince Xizor worked with MandalMotors to ensure that the StarViper-class attack platform would be one of the most formidable fighters in the galaxy. The StarViper Expansion Pack for X-Wing features one pre-painted StarViper miniature, sculpted at 1/270 scale and brought to life as a potent, well-balanced ship that can quickly destroy opposing ships even while evading enemy fire. Naturally, the expansion also allows you to field Prince Xizor in his custom StarViper, the Virago, which makes use of various system upgrades and illicit technology.