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South Shall Rise Again, The

By: Victory Point Games

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Science Fiction Series - Ziplock Games

Last Stocked on 11/17/2014

Product Info

South Shall Rise Again, The
John Welch
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


The South shall rise, and the North will follow fast upon its heels. Two titans will battle for this nation, and they will not be, as the president had hoped, the “better angels of our nature.” Death will walk the land and not one of us will know peace, not even in the grave. - Private John Picket, in a letter home, Taunton, MA, June, 1861.

From designer John Welch comes your chance to alter the course of a fractured United States, increasingly menaced by confederate zombie soldiers (“Zebs”), and the dangerous revenants and glorious dead that await you.

Based on the alternate history of author S.M. Cross’ The South Shall Rise, this is a game of tactical combat set during the American Civil War, where those within the confederacy take a terrible risk to use the dead as reanimated soldiers. With four unique and challenging scenarios to choose from, crawl out of the trenches and rise to glory… or die (again) trying.

Good luck... you’re going to need it!


  • One 36-page full-color Rules booklet
  • One 11” x 17” map
  • 20 standees
  • 45 counters
  • 25 cards
  • Five scenario cards
  • One player aid