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800kg AP Bomber Strike

By: Virgillian Games

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Pearl Harbor Attack

Last Stocked on 10/21/2014

Product Info

800kg AP Bomber Strike
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Want more realism, direct action play, and observable battle results without losing the lively historic qualities. Tired of small gaming counters, sluggish play processes, or the mindless arcade play of many computer war games? Historians and gamers will find the game pace, play method, and varied outcomes to be fascinating. Parents, teachers, and students will recognize the great advantage of learning while playing.

This game is part of a larger Pearl Harbor Re-enactment Guide. This part of the game is based upon the high level bomber attack on Battleship Row, Pearl Harbor. Forty-eight high Level bombers, in ten arrow formations, carrying and dropped the secret "Dragon Tooth" 800kg armor piercing bomb against the inboard battleship on Battleship Row, Pearl Harbor. Fouled by smoke and sun glare, they managed to make a dismal six hits on American battleships. Although, only six big armor piercing bombs hit American battleships, one No.80 AP bomb struck the USS Arizona's forecastle deck, penetrating 5.6" of steel armor plating over the main battery powder magazine causing a catastrophic explosion. The game can be adapted easily for solo or team play. Can you do better?

Play Commander Mitsuo Fuchida's high level bomber formations and attack American battleships in Pearl Harbor. The Infamous attack that ended the "Battleship Era" and pushed the United States into WWII. Game "Special Factors" features include, anti-aircraft resistance, Shoot Downs, Damage Aircraft, Aborted Runs, Smoke Interference, Powder Magazine Hit, Near Miss Damage, and a variable math expression to calculating bomb hit damage. Final game score can be matched against the historical recorded or tallied in other ways (percent damage and/or number of hits).


  • Activity Rules
  • Illustrated "Graphic" Activity Diagram/Guide
  • Pearl Harbor Map (Gray scale coloring on legal size paper)
  • Battleship Target Illustrations (Gray scale prints on legal size paper format) USS Nevada, USS Arizona, USS West Virginia & USS Tennessee, USS Oklahoma & USS Maryland, USS Pennsylvania, and USS
  • California
  • Score Sheets
  • Unique Bomb Plot Overlay Transparency
  • Randomizing Number (print & cut) Cards