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Pro Football Fantasm

By: Fantasm Sports

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Pro Football Fantasm

Product Info

Pro Football Fantasm
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
12 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players
Game Length
180 Minutes


A simulation of professional (NFL) football, using individual players and 36 offensive and 12 defensive plays (also 6 special teams plays). Play is generally following the American Football rules. All teams from the NFL in 1990 are included and all players from those teams have a card which has 14 "skill ratings" on it in addition to vital statistics and their season statistics from 1989. Each coach picks a play secretly, reveals the play simultaneously and rolls dice based on the two plays to determine the play result and yardage gained/lost, which is modified by one each offensive and defensive key player and one of their skill ratings. Each play takes from 10-40 seconds, and quarters are played to 15 minutes of game time. Rules for motion men, audibles, shotgun, hurry up, zone, double or triple coverage are all included. Players may pick the players of one team, or may draft a team from the 1000+ players. One game may be played or an entire season can be run with as many coaches as desired.