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Resistance is Futile! (2nd Edition)

By: Agema Games

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Science Fiction & Fantasy Miniature Rules (Agema Publications)

MSRP old price: $22.95

Product Info

Resistance is Futile! (2nd Edition)
Richard Watts
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Ideal for use with 28mm or 15mm scale miniatures (so can use 40k armies with these if you like), the rules cover heroes, vehicles, individuals and units as well. They handle armored vehicles, gunships, power armor, aliens, humanoids, bugs, robots…

A player shoots and/or moves a unit or individual/model, then rolls to see if he can activate another unit that round, and so on until a roll to get another unit to act fails, then the other player has a round. The chance of getting 2+ units to respond in a round depends on the motivation, communications and the like for the unit/individual/model involved... but it a case of shoot first, then move, then combat.

Morale includes a form of pinning/going prone as a voluntary action against incoming fire to reduce the risk of, erm, death, and the main element is that all units/individuals/models start to test once a certain level of casualties have been sustained by your army (not per unit). Level of losses at which you test is worse for militia-type units, better for regulars and much better for special forces.

A points system is included in the rules, as well as ideas for linking games from one to another.

When it comes to shooting there are rules for overwatch/aimed fire, and within certain limits if you are brought into hand-to-hand combat then you get to shoot before they get to hit you (unless you've been surprised, that sort of thing). In reality the way the game flows means opportunity fire happens, as does the - in our opinion - more realistic option of having to shoot and then move. You don't under normal tactical situations get a situation where someone charges into you and you don't get to shoot at them at all - which is pretty stupid.

RIF doesn't use complicated mechanisms - the intention is to allow variety of play and decision making, not getting bogged down in game mechanics; they play fluidly because usually each player doesn't have to wait long before they get to do something and react; as for design freedom, you can use whatever setting you fancy - an example of a background setting is included, but just as an example to get player's thinking about their own.

The only dice used are the standard six-sided affairs - and no templates are needed, just a trusty tape measure.