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Scabhta Hunters - Unit Box

By: Megalith Games

Type: Miniatures Box Set

Product Line: Godslayer Miniatures - Wyldfolk of Annyr (32mm)

5 figures

Last Stocked on 7/31/2020

Product Info

Scabhta Hunters - Unit Box
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


These stealthy elites are the scouts of the Fiannor, blazing the trail for the nomadic tribes and guarding the vast perimeter of the grazing herds, from morning mist to evening haze. They are some of the most accomplished bowmen on the world of Calydorn, and their forte is ranged death. Their Longbow fashioned from yew delivers such a powerful thrust that arrows are still deadly even at long range.

On the rare occasion when Scabhtas come to grips with their enemies, they launch a volley of arrows during their charge; however committing Scabhtas to melee should be a last resort for they are lightly armored and possess mediocre close-combat skills.

Their natural-colored clothing, face paint and the fauna they wear makes them well camouflaged against other shooters, and their extensive experience has enabled these hunters to target enemies who are hidden in cover (without suffering the usual penalty).

Scabhta Hunters are at home in most any terrain, and are able to dart through forests with their Wildwalker ability. Their most effective usage is to deploy them to the rear, near difficult terrain, through which they can retreat from closing melee fighters. Boosted by a Farfarer and certain druidic spells they are a devastating missile unit.


  • 1 Leader
  • 2 Trooper #1's
  • 2 Trooper #2's
  • 1 Profile Card
  • 12 Tokens

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.