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Centurion Devastator Squad

By: Games Workshop

Type: Miniatures Pack

Product Line: Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marines - Base Army - Elites

3 figures

Product Info

Centurion Devastator Squad
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Miniatures Pack


This 3 man kit makes either the Centurion Devastator or Assault variant, as well as providing every weapon and upgrade available to both units. Before deciding which squad to make, be sure to have a close look at the photos above. The plastic frames are absolutely crammed with parts.

Before you add the specific weapon combinations you need to build the bodies. There are 3 distinct torsos; 3 individual sets of legs; 6 unique shoulder pad designs; and 7 heads (3 bare, and 4 helmeted) to choose from.

The Centurion Devastator Squad's arms can be equipped with either twin-linked heavy bolters, twin-linked lascannons; or grav cannons and grav-amps. The chest plates can be armed with either a hurricane bolter or a missile launcher.

The Centurion Assault Squad members are equipped with a siege drill on each arm, and have the choice of mounting either twin-linked flamers, or twin-linked meltaguns as well. The chest plates can be armed with either ironclad assault launchers or a hurricane bolter.

To add the finishing touches to your squad there is an additional helmet plume to make it clear who the Sergeant is; an omniscope; an eagle back banner; purity seals; and an iron halo.

The Space Marine range is designed so that all of the plastic parts can be swapped between different kits. Whilst the Centurion Devastator Squad is a really unique unit all the heads can be interchanged with those of the rest of the Space Marine range. As can the myriad extra pieces of equipment that can be found in other Space Marine kits, allowing the opportunity to create truly unique collections of miniatures.

This box set comes supplied unpainted and requires assembly.