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Red Wyrm Set (6)


Type: Supplies - Dice Sets d6

Product Line: Dragon Dice - Dragon Sets

Last Stocked on 10/9/2022

Product Info

Red Wyrm Set (6)
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


This is for all 6 color combinations of Hybrid and Ivory Hybrid dragons that match the product name.

Hybrid Dragons:

These dragons are hybrids of the elemental dragons. Composed of two elemental colors, they have both colors in their very makeup. They generate one color of breath against 5 health of the defending army (dragon’s owner picks which breath), and both colors of army breath effects against the army. However, the dragons are affected by both colors as well. A Dragon Summoning spell of either color will summon them to a terrain. Eldarim Champions that match either color can affect them normally. Dragonhunters matching one color of breath block that breath, but not the other. Dragon Staffs and Dragonkin Champions of either color also affect them normally. Dragonkin of either matching color cannot be rolled when attacked by an Hybrid dragon. Hybrid Dragons fight all dragons (except pure ivory dragons and ivory hybrids with a matching elemental color) that do not match their colors exactly. Elemental and White dragons fight all Hybrid Dragons.

Ivory Hybrid Dragons:

These dragons are hybrids of the elemental dragons and an ivory dragon. Composed of one elemental color and ivory, they have that elemental color in their very makeup, plus all the attributes of the ivory dragons. They generate either an ivory breath or their elemental breath against 5 health of the defending army (dragon’s owner picks which breath), and the elemental army breath effect (if any) against the army. A Dragon Summoning spell of any color (reflecting their ivory nature) will summon them to a terrain. Eldarim Champions of a single elemental color that match the dragon’s elemental color can affect them normally. White Eldarim Champions affect them normally. Dragon Staffs and Dragonkin Champions of the same elemental color as the dragon also affect them normally. Just like pure ivory dragons, dragonkin cannot be rolled when attacked by an Ivory Hybrid dragon. Like the pure ivory dragons, once summoned to a terrain, no ivory Dragon Summoning spell can move them. However, a Dragon Summoning spell of their elemental color can move them. Ivory hybrid dragons, like pure ivory dragons, always attack the army at the terrain. However, they are attacked by all hybrid dragons that do not have a matching elemental color. Elemental dragons not matching the ivory hybrid dragon’s elemental color and white dragons attack all ivory hybrid dragons.