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Republic of Tharda (2013 Edition)

By: Columbia Games

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Harn - Kingdoms & Regions

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Last Stocked on 9/8/2022

Product Info

Republic of Tharda (2013 Edition)
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Thardic Republic: The mercantyle heir to the fallen Corani Empire. Includes a detailed full-color map of the entire region with extensive economic and social information. Also included are historical, cultural, and political notes, plus a full colour plate of the heraldry of the Thardic Legions.

Taztos: A legionary fortress in the heart of a hostile wilderness, Taztos grants a tenuous existence to its garrison. Includes a colour site map and interior plans.

Telen: The capital of Coranan province, and commanding the Shiran-Coranan road, Telen is one of the most important settlements in Tharda. A colour site map and interior plans are included.

Moleryn: A mighty castle on the edge of the wilderness, Moleryn is the last place of safety for many travellers before they brave the perils of the Salt Route. A colour site map and interior plans are included.

Hikun: Details on the unruly seasonal mining town in the shadow of the bandit infested Hefiosa Hills. Also includes information on Sirion, the Miners Guild, and Iracu mine.

Pamesani Games: Information on the brutal and decadent games held throughout Rethem and the Thardic Republic.

Gozyda: The wild tribesmen of the Mimea Hills and the island of Domid.