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Northlands Saga, The #4 - Blood on the Snow (Pathfinder)

By: Frog God Games

Type: Module

Product Line: Pathfinder Adventures (Frog God Games)

MSRP old price: $19.99

Product Info

Northlands Saga, The #4 - Blood on the Snow (Pathfinder)
Kenneth Spencer
Publish Year
NKG Part #


This series of adventures takes place in the frozen north, where men are men, beer is ale and monsters are, well, scary. Who has not loved the setting of the 13th Warrior or wished to relive the Frost Giant’s Daughter by R.E. Howard? Heroes will fight evil in the cold lands, sail the treacherous ice filled seas where sea monsters swallow ships and crews and feast in fire-lit halls with Vikings! Planned as a series of 10 modules, this series will begin in January (appropriately, due to the cold). More information will be added as it becomes available. Written by Ken Spencer, this series is sure to send shivers up even the bravest adventurer’s spine!

The country of Estenfird is in flames. Wild men and beasts have descended in hordes from the mountains bringing fire and destruction into the forested lands below. The hirths of the North have been called forth to defense, but with the heavy snows of winter delaying travel will their arrival be in time to save this frontier realm? Even the heroic Protector of Estenfird, Hengrid Donarsdottir, is hard pressed and has called upon all heroes to come to their aid. It is time to don arms and armor and brave the winter’s wrath to come to the defense of Estenfird in its hour of need.

NS4: Blood on the Snow is an adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Swords & Wizardy Complete Rules designed for a party of four to six characters of 8th to 10th level. Like all the Northlands Saga adventures, Blood on the Snow can be used on its own, as part of the saga, or as part of an ongoing campaign. It is designed for use with the Northlands setting available from Frog God Games but can easily dropped into any campaign the GM chooses.