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#108 w/The Eastern Army Campaign 1870-1871

By: Histoire & Collections

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #101 - #121 (Histoire & Collections, French)

Last Stocked on 11/29/2024

Product Info

#108 w/The Eastern Army Campaign 1870-1871
Publish Year
NKG Part #


This is a historical simulation of the last fights of the Franco-Prussian war from November 1870 to February 1871. One player takes the role of the French Republican forces lead by Bourbaki trying to raise the siege of Belfort and threatening the Prussian line of supply running from Germany to Paris. The other player is in command of four strong German corps who must prevent this threat and destroy the French Army.

This is an operational game, with hidden corps, division, columns or dummies evaluating on the map featuring the eastern part of France, from Dijon to Colmar, one turn for one week. The map represents all major cities, fortresses, main roads and railroads, based on point to point movements. Infantry, cavalry, artillery and siege artillery units are placed on boards for each nominative combat force on the map. Their status is follow-up on this board ; full or reduced strength, supplied or unsupplied, their three-tiered level – rested – tired – exhausted -. Normal and railroad movements are done through activation chits. Initiative may switch from one side to the other, depending on the number of combat forces moved on the previous turn. There are three combat resolution tables ; pitched battles and skirmish, depending of the sizes involved in the fight, and a specific siege table. Reconnaissance and retreat are possible before fights which are never mandatory. A dozen of random events bring chrome and allow uncertainty.

La campagne de l’Armée de l’Est (The Eastern Army Campaign) contains three independent scenarios; The opening fights in Burgundy (5 turns, 2 hours), The last rides of the vanquished (6 turns, 3 hours) and the Campaign (11 turns, 5 hours). Victory points are earned by controlling objective cities or winning pitched battles.

The game include 108 counters and A3 map. Two 6 sided dices are necessary.


  • No question of surrender
  • Decisive Battles
  • Paris is burning
  • Honneur et Patrie
  • Panzer
  • Ancient War
  • Le réveil de l'ours
  • Alea Jacta Est
  • Derniers espoir à l'Est
  • La charge héroïque
  • Bellum Gallicum
  • Strategikon IV
  • Victrix voit grand
  • La retraite de Russie