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Last Stocked on 2/18/2019

Product Info

Craving for Blood, A
Mark Walker
Publish Year
NKG Part #


It's 2341, and Earth (Terra) has expanded into a multi-planet confederation policed by the strong arm of the Terran Defense Force (TDF). Using potent biped weapon platforms called CATs, tanks, and power-armored troops, the TDF wages Terra's wars. But machines are not enough, Terra also breeds soldiers to pilot her CATs. Faster, smarter, and bigger than natural born humans, the Purebreds are the ultimate warriors. Or are they?

Battles are one thing, but assassinations, covert operations, and infiltrations are another. To handle the darker side of war the TDF geneticists have created the Assassins. Blindingly fast, unbelievably strong, and psychically enhanced, the Assassins are a match for ten Purebreds... and oh yeah, there's a twist.

To ensure they love their work, Assassins are bred to be vampires. Not the God fearing, day loathing, cooking herb impaired vampires of myth, but rather super humans with a craving for blood. The CATS, the Purebreds, and the Assassins combine to make the TDF a formidable force, but not an unstoppable one.

Against the TDF juggernaut stands one woman and the inhabitants of a small planet called Sediana. Exiled from Earth generations past, the Sedianans fight to free their planet with ancient Terran Abrams tanks, Bradley IFVs, and M4 assault rifles. Leading them is an Apache warrior, a former U.S. army general, and an Assassin who rebels not only against the TDF, but her genetic cravings as well. Together they stand against the might of Terra, and the TDF's desire to win at any cost, even if they must turn Sediana into nothing more than radioactive rock to do so.