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In the Shadow of Mount Rotten

By: Faster Monkey Games

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Labyrinth Lord (Faster Monkey Games)

Last Stocked on 11/7/2023

Product Info

In the Shadow of Mount Rotten
Joel Sparks
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


A Goblin Is You!

A crafty Foot Goblin, maybe, or a vicious Warg Rider. Or a town-building Hearth Orc or a Troll Driver or a lowly Saltjack or a Goblin Eater Hob.

This complete sourcebook turns the players into Rotlanders: goblins, orcs, or hobgoblins striving for fame and survival in the harsh lands beyond human realms. Simple rules cover everything from Reputation and ransom, to warfare and Spirit Encounters, to hunting and skinning, to fully-stocked trade caravans and the annual Revel that breaks all the rules.

With three new character classes, eight different tribe types, and vast new territories to explore, In the Shadow of Mount Rotten gives you everything you need for adventures of a very different kind. This all-in-one sourcebook includes:

  • New PC classes: Warriors, bound by martial honor and forbidden to negotiate; Shamans, sensitive to the many hauntings and spirits that lurk just behind the surface of things; and Mongers, scraping together the means of tribal survival while dodging the blows of the haughty Warriors.
  • New spells and spellcasting for Shamans.
  • Reputation: You can’t level up unless you earn the tribe’s respect!
  • Ransom: What are you worth to the tribe? Plus the grim results if demands aren’t met.
  • Warrior’s Honor and how it varies by race and home tribe.
  • Tribal lifestyles: Settlements, hierarchies, hunting and gathering, herding and enslaving, mating and child rearing, and habits of war.
  • Slave gangs and indentured populations.
  • Scrapper dogs, gnoll packs, ogre clans, and cannibalism.
  • Hunting for meat and hides; curing and selling carcasses, skins, and furs.
  • What Befalls the Tribe: A hit from a poker deck determines what boon or threat comes to the tribe to challenge the PCs.
  • Gold is no good here! A simple economy based on barter, salt, iron, and bronze.
  • Complete gear lists for people on the edge of the Bronze Age. New equipment, loot trade-in, regional pricing, and what happens when Rotlander gear clashes with superior Southron arms.
  • Adventure locations like the tradetown Rotmoot, salt-rich Selkirk, and the Hellmouth of Goblin Knob.
  • Who lives where, and how much turf each tribe needs to feed itself.
  • Encounters charts for eight distinct regions, plus Oddities and the dangerous Spirit Encounters that mark the Rotlands as a haunted place.
  • Caves and mining, with nine real types of cave, underground lakes and rivers, and mining possibilities from clay to gold.
  • Caravans: wagons, cargos, crew, and guards.
  • Bulk trade goods and contact with human realms and the orkin of Mor.
  • A full-color map that stands alone or fits with the Known Realms open setting from Goblinoid Games