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Mystical Creations

By: Guild of Blades Publishing

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Dark Realms (2nd Edition)

Last Stocked on 2/1/2021

Product Info

Mystical Creations
Bruce Dowrie, Eric Campion
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


If your game is in need of magical artifacts, then look no further than Mystical Creations. If you need or want a system that will let you randomly come up with mystical weapons and armor then look no further than Mystical Creations. If you are looking for unique and different types of magical equipment, then you have found what you are looking for. Tables that are included in this book help you come up with random artifacts as well as artifacts that will surprise your players and give them something to work for.

Included inside for your enjoyment are such magical artifacts that have a small effect on the game: Groul’s Dice and Cards, Crayon of Talking, Marbles of Seeing and a Lucky Coin. If you want a few magical artifacts that have a bit more of a punch, you might like: the Tree String (turn any tree into your monster just by wrapping this string around it), Water Powder (just sprinkle this powder into the water and a shark will come and do your bidding), Access Key (open any door), a Lightning Staff and Magical Statues to protect your home while you are away. The magical artifacts do not stop there; get this book and find out yourself.

The Dark Realms : Mystical Creations contains:

  • 1) Magical Weapon, Armor and Generic Mystical Creation rules.
  • 2) Includes the costs of all magical items.
  • 3) Random Magical Weapon Chart.
  • 4) Random Magical Armor Chart.
  • 5) Random Magical items Chart.
  • 6) Rules for all Magical Weapons.
  • 7) Over 30 Magical Items.
  • 8) Rules to make your own.