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#10 w/Eben Emael & Panzerschiff

By: Minden Games

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Panzer Digest

Last Stocked on 11/29/2013

Product Info

#10 w/Eben Emael & Panzerschiff
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NKG Part #


This 48-page issue contains two World War II wargames, including rules and components, plus over a dozen wargame reviews for your enjoyment.

EBEN EMAEL is a solitaire, tactical-level game simulating the German glider assault of the Belgian fortress on May 10, 1940. The game uses point-to-point movement, turns representing approximately eight minutes, and squad-sized units. The player--representing the Germans--must first get his gliders to the target safely, and then, after landing, neutralize all the gun points atop the fortress in eight turns or less. Includes: complete rules, 57 color, thick card uncut counters, mapsheet.

PANZERSCHIFF is a two-player tactical-level naval game simulating World War II naval combat. The game comes with full rules, historical scenarios, 12 oblong battleship counters in color, on thick-card and uncut, and Reference Card. To play, you must supply a chess or checker board, as ships will be moved there. This is an introductory level game, with a nice bidding mechanism that will be of interest to competitive players and veterans.

Contents of issue #10 (48 pages)

  • From the Editor
  • Eben Emael game instructions
  • A Rationale for Small Wargames (article)
  • Panzerschiff game instructions
  • Thumbnail Wargame Reviews: Across the Pacific (PacRim); Chariots of Fire (GMT); Dawn's Early Light (Lock'n'Load); B-29 Superfortress (Khyber); Germantown (GMT); Utopia (Rio Grande); Battle for Normandy (GMT); Leaping Lemmings (GMT); Jena 20 (VPG); Battle of Antietam (DDH); Tide of Iron (Fantasy Flight); Liberty Roads (Hexasim); Arduous Beginning (VPG); Serpents of the Sea (GMT)
  • The Last Word