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Last Stocked on 9/15/2020

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Executioner Token Set
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Assassins embrace shadow magic and pledge a shard of their souls to the Shadowfell to gain their power. By replacing a fundamental part of themselves with a dark reflection, they can manifest that piece of shadow to accomplish incredible things.

The infusion of shadow magic allows assassins to identify weak points in an opponent’s defenses so that with a few moments of study they can reduce the stoutest enemies to corpses.

The Executioner Token Set for Gale Force Nine’s series of Official DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Heroes of Shadow Token Sets contains many tokens and tiles as well as an invisibility stand-in for your Player Character’s miniature. Each set includes a Character Status Tile.

This durable plastic tile is a handy reference for all the variable stats that can change during combat. The tile is designed to work with wet erase markers so you can quickly modify your status as it changes in battle.

The Action Point Tile is a handy reminder for players to make an extraordinary move to turn the tide of combat. The Light Source token can be slipped onto the base of your model when your character holds a torch. The Bloodied token conveniently marks your model when the battle begins to take its toll, while the Dying token reminds your companions that your wizard is grasping onto the last threads of life.

Finally the Mount Token is used to increase the base size of your miniature to a large model when your character is riding a horse or vehicle. This Large size token can also represent your riderless mount on the Battle Grid. The Invisibility Stand-Up replaces your miniature when your character is rendered invisible.