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Dinosaurs in SPAAACE!

By: Schroedinger's Cat Press

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Dinosaurs …in SPAAACE!

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Dinosaurs in SPAAACE!
Greg Stolzie
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Dinosaurs. Rockets. The 1950s. What do they have in common? They're saturated with coolness. But can they somehow work together?

Only two answers are possible: Yes, and HELL YES. SPAAACE! runs on the Token Effort engine, a tried and tested rules-set that privileges pratfalls over point-stacking and mania over min-maxing. It quantifies humor and rewards you whether people are laughing with you, or at you. No really, Token Effort tramples drunkenly over all difficulties with honey-badger insouciance.

What Dinosaurs... in SPAAACE! does is take the original game's lean, surly and minimalist approach to plot resolution and expand it with 50,000+ words worth of time-warped, rocket fueled setting madness. Gray aliens? They're in there. Time travel? Alternate universes? Both are handled with keen intelligence and sophisticated advice, along with a load of evil twin jokes. A secret US space agency tasked with battling fugitive Nazis from the dark side of the moon and their mysterious dimension-spanning allies? I can neither confirm or deny that, but if such an agency did exist, even its 52-year-old secretary would be trained in seven different ways to kill a man with her bare hands (and one with a pair of pantyhose). All this plus Greys, Scientology jokes, a brief primer on post-WWII rocketry, and the sinister truth behind those Easter Island statues.