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Chainmail & Leather Hacky Sack - Assorted

By: Tangled Metal

Type: Other

Product Line: Chainmail Products

Last Stocked on 3/21/2020

Product Info

Chainmail & Leather Hacky Sack - Assorted
Product Line
NKG Part #


This chainmail hacky sack is the last hacky sack you will ever need to buy. You'll climb on the roof or into the storm drain to get it. How cool is it to have such a unique foot bag.

It is made from stainless steel with recycled leather stuffing. It is virtually indestructible. Get the leather wet and work it around by playing and it becomes just like the ones that have beans and spring leaks only this one will never leak.

If your hacky sack gets dirty, not to worry, just rinse it off with the hose and let it dry in the sun. You will have to work with the hacky sack a little to soften up the leather especially after getting it wet.

Available in multiple colors. Please note the color will be randomly chosen.

Please note the picture is to represent the possible color you could receive.