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Arnhem - The Third Bridge (Revised Edition)

By: Critical Hit

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Advanced Squad Leader - Arnhem

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Arnhem - The Third Bridge (Revised Edition)
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Arnhem, The Netherlands, 17 September 1944: Of the three British routes for the march into Arnhem from the drop zones, only the 2nd Battalion’s ‘Lion Route’ by the Rhine were the British able to actually reach the bridge. The Germans obviously understood 3rd Battalion’s intentions along the Utrechtseweg, so Lt. Col. Fitch detached Major Lewis’ “C” Company and sent it along a side road in a flanking attempt. The instructions to the lead platoon commander, Lt. Wright, were simply “That’s the bloody way. Get moving!” Following the railway as the evening light failed, “C” Company made amazing progress while taking out an armored car, dodging other enemies and losing only one man.

The company finally neared the bridge from the north in total darkness. Major Lewis went forward to report to Brigade Headquarters as the company closed on the perimeter. Unfortunately, a reserve from Kampfgruppe Knaust was forming up nearby. A short-range firefight broke out, forcing the paras to fight their way forward. Large numbers of the inexperienced Germans were cut down. On the British side, several men were killed and wounded as they maneuvered through the gardens. As the German command established order, they were able to cut off and capture most of two platoons. Thus, of the “C” Company men who had so nearly reached their objective, only some 45 managed to slip into the perimeter.

Welcome to the THIRD BRIDGE 4, an updated edition of the popular Battle of Arnhem module. TB4 includes 112 5/8" color die-cut counters and 100 ½" counters, providing all the British 1st Airborne 'Red Devils' SMC and MMCs needed to play the scenarios. You also receive all the 5/8" counters in BLACK (German) and CREME (British) colors for all the scenarios—just bring your black counters from HELL'S BRIDGEHEAD 3 and all you'll need are the markers from any release to get into the colorful and epic combat. The new edition also includes scenarios using the Ponyri-style layout, the latest edition of the SR booklet, and some new toys including the air-dropped Welbike Mk II and the British Jeep with K-Gun. Optional tweaks to the scenarios freshens the play experience, includes the new toys, and calms traditionalists that find such things scary.