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Last Stocked on 1/5/2013

Product Info

Supreme Commander
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NKG Part #


Three opposing sides - the Cybran Nation, the Aeon Illuminate and the United Earth Federation - have been fighting in the Infinite War all across the galaxy, spreading chaos and unrest. You are a Supreme Commander and you have to take one of the sides and put an end to this war.

As in most strategy games, you have to build up a base, gather resources and build armies to fight off your enemies. But being created by Chris Taylor of Total Annihilation fame, the RTS also has many unique features, such as a huge unit cap of 500 units per side, different resource management, queue up commands and waypoints, diverse unit types and even dual screen support.

Players can play through the Campaign and carry on the story as one of the sides, or fight off computer enemies in Skirmish and human opponents in Multiplayer.

The Xbox 360 version has redesigned controls and HUD. The game uses circular controls to replace the many short-cuts and buttons. The right stick is used to zoom in or out quickly. It also includes new units, updated maps and two new multiplayer modes (King of the Hill - defend a strategic point, and Command Point - capture as many civilian buildings as possible), available to play over Xbox Live with four players simultaneously.