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#78 "London's Food Laws, Brutality in Medieval Warfare, Beyond the Wench"

By: Renaissance Magazine

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Renaissance Magazine #051-100

Last Stocked on 8/29/2023

Product Info

#78 "London's Food Laws, Brutality in Medieval Warfare, Beyond the Wench"
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Beyond the Wench

When we think of sexy renfaire outfits, the wench is the first that comes to mind. Let's face it, though wenches are everywhere! And why turn heads with your cleavage when you can turn heads with a more unusual choice of character? We present alternatives to the wench ensemble that are based more on fantasy than historical fashion, providing both flexibility and personalization.

Children's Games

Through archaeological toy finds dating from the Middle Ages, medieval childhood play from paintings, well-known versions of medieval adult games, and folkloric history, we reveal fascinating gender-specific toys, indoor play, outdoor games, and even training disguised as play.

Medieval London's Food Laws

From staples such as raw grains and salt, to seafood, to sweets and costly spices, to fully cooked foods such as pies, bread, or pre- roasted meats, medieval London's markets offered local and imported foodstuffs. Sale of foods and beverages were subject to carefully controlled victual laws, and we take you back to medieval London to explore how consumers were kept safe.

The Brutality of Medieval Warfare

While many fans of medieval times see gallant knights in armor performing heart-warming deeds of chivalry, the chronicles of medieval history over-flow with the blood of grim tales of extreme violence. What was behind these cycles of horrific slaughter? Renaissance Magazine reveals a society organized for war, to the extent that historians of that era are often more astonished at periods of peace between conflicts than the wars themselves.

Malmsey: The Wine Sensation of Medieval Europe

What do Friar Tuck, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the unfortunate Duke of Clarence all have in common? Malmsey wine, of course!

The Great Roasting Kitchen at Hampton Court Palace

To experience the workings of a royal roasting kitchen, we visited the Great Roasting Kitchen at Hamlpton Court Palace, on the River Thames near London.