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By: Monomer Games

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Zombie-A-Go-Go

Last Stocked on 11/29/2021

Product Info

Product Line
Jason Coffey, Thomas Adams
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Zombie A-Go-Go is unique in the miniature games market, as it is based on the concept of co-operative play that is more common to boardgames. That means that each player brings their own Hero, and a handful of Zombies that offset their value in skills and equipment. Our game is designed to fill in the gap between all of the wonderful Zombie Boardgames, and more traditional Miniature Skirmish or Tactical games, that already exist.

Our game is setup to give the feel of “Traditional Zombies” in modern times. It can also be easily modified if you prefer “Voodoo” or “Chemically Altered” Zombies, or to play in another “Era” like antiquity or the near future. These rules include a vast collection of information that makes this an "all in one game" that should accommodate most “Eras”. These rules are designed for individually mounted 25 to 28mm figures. They can be readily adapted to 20mm or 15mm if that better suits your club.

This game was designed for Wargamers, by Wargamers, so it “fluff light” and packed with what you actually need to play on the tabletop. Future supplements will be offered to expand the game, but are not required to enjoy this genre. In addition to increase the value of the book for you we have also provided:

  • Complete Character Generation with over 50 Pre-generated characters
  • Over 15 Ranged Weapons and more than 30 Close Combat Weapons
  • Basic Vehicle Rules with over 30 Pre-generated vehicles for land, air, and sea
  • a Scenario Generator to help quickly make pickup games
  • 8x Basic scenarios, 2x advanced scenarios, and a 4x mission mini-campaign. Several of these also include additional “options” to readily modify the scenario conditions, or to use them for competitive play with or without a moderator.
  • Optional Rules (Fog, Night, etc.)
  • Basic rules for Buildings and Barricades

    And don't forget…

    Zombies you can outrun – the mistakes of your fellow Heroes you cannot.