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Glider Pilot Platoon

By: Battlefront Miniatures

Type: Miniatures Pack

Product Line: Flames of War - WWII - British - Infantry


Last Stocked on 7/14/2022

Product Info

Glider Pilot Platoon
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Miniatures Pack


The glider pilots are attached from the Glider Pilot Regiment. After they land their gliders they are expected to lend aid where ever they can to protect the landing zones. As the battle progresses they will be placed in divisional reserve and sent to help defend the line where needed. They are well equipped to counterattack the enemy and gain back whatever ground might have been lost.

In Flames Of War

Keep them in reserve and commit them where they are needed most to shore up your perimeter defense. The Gilder Pilot Platoon uses the following special rules as seen on page 25 of A Bridge Too Far.

Mission Tactics

The Glider Pilot Regiment is composed of officers and NCOs, so is never without a leader.

A Glider Pilot Platoon uses the German Mission Tactics special rule found on page 166 of the rulebook.

Gammon Bombs

All teams in a Glider Pilot Platoon carry Gammon Bombs giving them Tank Assault 3.

Body Armor

The 1st Airborne Division used the majority of the army’s limited number of body armor sets. These were primarily given to the Glider Pilot Regiment to protect them against Flak. The armor would not stop bullets, nor could it afford much protection in close quarter fighting. Instead it was designed to protect the wearer from shrapnel and other flying debris.

All teams in a Glider Pilot Platoon are equipped with body armor. When a team with body armor is hit by an Artillery Bombardment and fails its Infantry Save, immediately roll a die:

On a result of 6, the team’s body armor has saved it from harm and it is not Destroyed. Otherwise, the team is Destroyed as normal.