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Product Info

Formula Motor Racing
Reiner Knizia
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
8 Years and Up
# Players
3 - 6 Players
Game Length
20 Minutes


Original version of the game, later reproduced by Decision Games.

FORMULA MOTOR RACING is a fast-paced card game in which each player maneuvers a two-car team in search of the Constructor's Championship. You control the fate of your cars and those of your opponents through the timely play of cards. The player whose team scores the most points over a series of races wins the championship. Each race takes 20 minutes or less to complete. Play just a few races for a quick game, or simulate an entire season, including the Driver's Championship and variable race lengths. You decide how many races will constitute the season at the start of play to fit the playing time you have available. FORMULA MOTOR RACING is the quickest-playing auto racing game in existence. It has very few rules to master and is easy to teach.