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Land Ironclads

By: Wessex Games

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Miniature War Games (Wessex Games)

Last Stocked on 1/12/2021

Product Info

Land Ironclads
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Land Ironclads is a companion game to Aeronef, our immensely popular rules for aerial warfare in an alternative late nineteenth century, concentrating on combat on the ground in the same period. The kings of the battlefield are huge fighting machines, the land ironclads of the title, which cross the landscape on tracks, wheels or even primitive mechanical legs, dealing destruction wherever they go.

Small steam-driven machines, known as contraptions (akin to the tanks of the First World War), scurry between the hulking ironclads creating their own smaller form of mayhem. More conventional infantry, cavalry and artillery units, albeit augmented with all manner of fantastic weaponry, add to the confusion. Above them giant aeronef, aerostat and aeroplanes fight their own battles in the sky while raining down bombs on the units below, even as underground infernal machines burrow through the earth into the heart of the Empire. Inspired by the works of authors such as George Griffiths, Albert Robida, William Le Queux, H.G.Wells and Jules Verne, Land Ironclads includes:

  • full rules for land battles between the Great Powers, and Martian invaders, fully compatible with Aeronef and Aquanef.
  • geo-political timeline and military overview of Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, United States, Austro-Hungary, Italy, Spain and Martian invaders.
  • statistics for over 200 different troop types and vehicles.