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#23 "The Crystal Crypt, Monsters of Aihrde, Demons & Devils"

By: Troll Lord Games

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Crusader, The - The Journal of the Intrepid Adventurer

Product Info

#23 "The Crystal Crypt, Monsters of Aihrde, Demons & Devils"
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Crusader Journal

When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he did not hesitate. He called his legionaries to cross into Italy, to cross the Rubicon. And as he did so he said only this: Alea iacta est! The Die is Cast!

The Journal offers articles that range from the common and simple “How To” articles, to advice, adventures, free dungeon maps, new monsters, fiction, game review, humor, art and more.

Feature Articles

Alea Iacta Est: The Continuation of a three part article. Adventures in the Low Country. We take a look at what it takes to run mid-level adventures, how to balance growing power with monster abilities.

20 Questions Thrown at Mark Allen! Artist Mark Allen does his best to answer the most pointless questions he’s ever been asked!

Special Features

Look for new adventures, additives, and all manner of expansions for your table top role playing game. With guest authors such as Casey Cannfield, Mike Stewart, Christina Stiles, Kieth Hackwood and more.


Aihrdian Chronicles, Being the 21st Narrative: Upon the shores at last to begin the final legs of their journey to the Twilight Wood.

New Monsters or Treasures

Monsters of Aihrde: Demons & Devils Come to Castles & Crusade. Samples from the Monsters & Treasure of Airhde.

Also In This Issue

  • Crystal Crypt Adventure!
  • Angry Gamer: An angry rant for the gamer in all of us.
  • Travels with the Troll Lord: Davis in JAIL!
  • Troll Freebies: Maps for your adventuring needs.
  • Cartoons by Peter Bradley!