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#15 "The Italians in ASL, 12 Scenarios"

By: Sherry Enterprises

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Schwerpunkt - A Forum of Independent ASL Scenario Design

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#15 "The Italians in ASL, 12 Scenarios"
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This issue’s 24-page booklet contains: Brook White's A Pygmy Among Giants: The Italians in ASL, as well as our trademark analyses and designer’s notes for Scenarios SP169-SP180. Each of the 12 scenarios are printed on cardstock in our easy-to-read format. The scenarios are in keeping with the Schwerpunkt tradition of tournament-sized as well as medium-sized actions. There's something is this pack for players of all experience levels!

SP169 The Winnekendonk Cakewalk: Winnekendonk, Holland 4 March 1945: A company of infantry from Fallschirmjäger Division 8 supported by StuG IIIs and a deadly Pak 43 88mm anti-tank gun defends boards 4, 53, and 57 against a British 3rd Infantry Division attack by infantry with supporting Kangaroos and Churchill tanks. This medium-sized scenario has lots of re-playability and attack options. Game length: 6.5 turns.

SP170 Halfhearted Hiwis: Le Mesnil, France, 7 June 1944: A mixed force of Osttruppe and Hilfswillige and supporting GSW 39H (f)s attack a French village defended by Canadian Paratroopers with off-board artillery. This scenario uses boards 42 and 54. Game Length: 5 turns.

SP171 Audacity of Innocence: Bikerath, Germany, 13 December 1944: Americans from Company I, 3rd Battalion, 309th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division attack to knock-out a bunker and clear elements of Volksgrenadier Division 272 from the stone buildings on board 57. This is tournament action at its finest. Game Length: 5.5 turns.

SP172 Carsten's Lament: St. Pierre du Fresne, France 1 August 1944: Kampfgruppe Luders and Jagdpanthers from Schwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 654 attack on boards 10 and 11 to clear the British 43rd Infantry Division (The Wessex Wyverns) and their supporting Sherman DD tanks from a village. This medium-sized scenario has plenty of tense action and re-playability. Game Length is 7 turns.

SP173 Der Letzte Geburtstag: South of Straussberg, 20 April 1945: On Hitler's last birthday, Stalin tanks and Guards infantry attack to clear elements of Panzer Division Müncheberg from a village and exit the play area. This is a classic tournament-level scenario set on board 17 Length: 4.5 turns.

SP174 Krupki Station: Krupki, Byelorussia, U.S.S.R, 28 June 1944: Russian infantry and six Sherman tanks attack to clear the village of Krupki of panzeraufklarungs troops and three Tigers tanks from Schwere Panzer Abteilung 505. This scenario uses half boards 3, 32, 41, and 42. Game Length: 6.5 turns.

SP175 Tisa Tese: Mezotur Hungary, 7 October 1944: Retreating elements of Panzer Division 13 strike SU-85s and infantry from the Russian 1289th Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment that are blocking their withdrawal. Wes Neal makes his scenario design debut with this 5.5 turn Eastern Front action set on boards 44 and 57. Game Length: 5.5 turns.

SP176 Smiling Albert: Aprillia, Italy, 16 February 1944: Elements of the German 715th Infantry Division and five Tiger tanks smash into Company E, 157th Infantry Regiment and their supporting M-10 GMC tank destroyers. Veteran scenario designer, Bill Sisler, gives us a preview of his up-coming Thunderbird pack with this 5.5 turn tournament-level action set on boards 13 and 16.

SP177 Tic Tac Toe: Mabato Point, The Philippines, 16 February 1945: Hugh Downing has penned a cool, new Philippines action. The one is set on board 53 and features Japanese from the Noguchi Force attacking to clear a mixed American force of Major John Vanderpool's Philippine Partisans and U.S. 11th Airborne Division from a village. This tournament action puts the Japanese in a rare semi-urban environment. Game length: 5 turns.

SP178 Chiang's Finest: Pin Chaung, Burma 18 April 1942: Mike Faulkner designed this tournament-level PTO action set on board 37 that has a mixed force of British tanks from the 7th Armoured Brigade and the Chinese 38th Division advancing to clear a jungle road of a group of Japanese infantry from the 33rd Division. Game length: 6.5 turns.

SP179 Brittany Speared: Les Coates, Brittany, France 8 September 1944: Elements of the American 13th Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division with two Sherman tanks attack to capture two hills by clearing German Fallschirmjägers from pillboxes and trenches. Pete Shelling designed this 5.5 turn tournament-level action set on board 55.

SP180 Encircle This: Karcag, Hungary 12 October 1944: Pete Shelling rounds out our 2009 issue of Schwerpunkt with an Eastern Front action that features elements of the 13th Panzer Division with Panthers, halftracks and infantry attempting to break out of encirclement after the Soviet 1st Guards surrounded them at Karcag. Set on two half-boards 49 and 51 this 6.5 turn scenario is an action-packed thriller.