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Stalk, The (Limited Collector's Edition)

By: Pied Piper Publishing (Robert Kuntz)

Type: Module

Product Line: Lake Geneva Castle & Campaign

Product Info

Stalk, The (Limited Collector's Edition)
Robert Kuntz
Publish Year
NKG Part #


The Stalk

  • Full color map scanned from the original by Rob Kuntz (drawn in 1975)
    Reproduced DM map by E. N. Shook, cartographer for Mordenkainen’s Fantastic Adventure, EX1 & 2, among others
  • Two scanned pages of the original keyed encounters from Rob Kuntz’ Red Book™
  • The Stalk is a full adventure challenge for your unwary PCs. Levels 7-12 with skilled players (and more of them at the lesser levels); optimum levels for a 4-player party: 9-12.

    Extracted from The Stalk’s special introduction, by Rob Kuntz:

    …There was no exact placement for it within the campaign world, and for good reason: the players had become wary of the dungeons we had contrived with all their inherent dangers and had opted instead to do outdoor adventures. …
    … So, the stage was set for “moving” the dungeons to the outdoor! My adventure, Dark Druids, is another example from that time period of this DM strategy, but The Stalk took a step further than even that nasty dungeon, for I didn’t place it but waited to substitute it for an ordinary encounter roll… …
    … In fact I reversed the roles typical to outdoor encounters to give the players a taste of their own strategies. Many of the PCs had flying steeds—dragons, griffons, et al.—which they used to swoop down upon outdoor encounters they knew they had a good chance of defeating; and if that likelihood appeared distant, they used the same steeds in order to make a hasty retreat. The Stalk reversed that role, what with its myriad twisting vines, limited visibility and terrain choked with vegetation that differed in inclination and size. Footing became treacherous, and monsters could easily ascend or descend to battle them, and often from surprise.