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#19 "Legacy of Fire #1 - Howl of the Carrion King"

By: Paizo Publishing

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (1st Edition) - Adventure Path #001 - #030

Product Info

#19 "Legacy of Fire #1 - Howl of the Carrion King"
Erik Mona
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Hear the cry of war!

In the exotic nation of Katapesh, a land of fortune and wonders, heroes are those with the courage to command their destinies. Such wisdom leads a daring band to the abandoned village of Kelmarane with the hopes of reestablishing the once prosperous community. But buzzards still feast upon the secluded settlement’s corpse: a savage tribe of gnolls and their bestial allies hold the town in the name of a merciless master known only as the Carrion King. Can the PCs retake the village from its feral conquerors, or is Kelmarane but the first bastion of civilization to fall before the hordes of the mysterious warlord?

This volume of the Pathfinder Adventure Path begins the Legacy of Fire, and includes:

“Howl of the Carrion King,” an adventure for 1st-level characters, by Erik Mona
An investigation into the savage gnoll tribes of the Brazen Peaks, their brutal culture, and their merciless members
Ruins once sacred to the god of magic have become the lair of a living curse in “The Refuge of Nethys,” a Set Piece adventure by James MacKenzie
The adventures of druid Channa Ti begin in “Dark Tapestry,” a new chronicle in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by New York Times bestselling author Elaine Cunningham
Five new monsters by Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, and F. Wesley Schneider

For characters of 1st to 5th level.

Pathfinder Adventure Path is Paizo Publishing's monthly 96-page, perfect-bound, full-color softcover book printed on high-quality paper. It contains an in-depth Adventure Path scenario, stats for about a half-dozen new monsters, and several support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Because Pathfinder uses the Open Game License, it is 100% compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game.