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Seed Soldiers w/Combi Rifles

By: Corvus Belli

Type: Miniatures Pack

Product Line: Infinity - Combined Army - Light Infantry (28mm)

2 figures

Last Stocked on 5/10/2022

Product Info

Seed Soldiers w/Combi Rifles
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Miniatures Pack


The Seed-Soldiers are the mainstay of the Shasvastii Expeditionary Force. As a race, the Shasvastii do not believe either in upfront engagement with the enemy, on in strategies of direct confrontation, and their Seed-Soldiers are a clear exponent of this. Invisible ghost vehicles will disperse Seed capsules along the battle-line. Their automatic deploying programs are designed to locate and bury the Seeds in positions well hidden from sight and from satellite vigilance.

There they will remain, receiving a stream of tactical information until their hour comes. In the interior of each Seed, a fully equipped Shasvastii soldier bides his time, patiently acquiring and processing data on the enemy. When the Combined Command gives the order to attack, the Seeds open, firing off a stream of information that fills the enemy’s tactical screens with an array of previously inexistent contact points, thereby, at a stroke, confounding not only the strategic planning but redrawing the battle lines themselves. This is the worst battle analyst’s nightmare: everything that had been planned for is suddenly invalidated by false information, because the invasion has already taken place and the enemy is already inside your home.