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Van Zant w/AP Rifle

By: Corvus Belli

Type: Miniatures Pack

Product Line: Infinity - Ariadna - Light Infantry (28mm)

Last Stocked on 8/30/2024

Product Info

Van Zant w/AP Rifle
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Roger Van Zant is a corpulent man with a bull neck, bushy goatee and shaved head, very fond of beer and doughnuts. He is a hardened officer, one of those who ascended from the lower ranks due to his outstanding services.

As a person, Van Zant is authoritarian, twisted and secretive with his pals, insultingly frank, irascible, and proud to excess. His troopers revere Van Zant in his good moments as much as they fear him when he gets pissed off. He is an intrepid and natural born leader. In spite of taking the most risky and decisive operations, he never lacks volunteers to participate. Van Zant has been wounded on several occasions and has stuck all the bullets and shrapnel in his axe’s handle. He is the classic Ariadnian officer that remains static in the midst of a crossfire, giving orders as he lights up a cigar. A show off? No, he simply knows that it is there where he can control the situation best.