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#146 "Zero Clix"

By: Kenzer & Co.

Type: Comic

Product Line: Knights of the Dinner Table Comic - #101 - #150

Price Reduced

Product Info

#146 "Zero Clix"
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


The Strips

  • a Hard Eight Enterprises strip featuring: Tuley and JoJo.
A Run to the Border
  • featuring: Bob, Dave, Sara, and Brian.
The Enemy on Line Two
  • a Hard Eight Enterprises strip featuring: Pete Skipowski and Tuley.
No Lotus Left Behind
  • featuring: Bob, Dave, Sara, and Brian.
The GM's Little Helper
  • featuring: B.A., Bob, Dave, Sara, and Brian.
The Promised One
  • featuring: Bob, Dave, Sara, and Brian.
One-Two Punches

Feature Articles

Ecology of the Warband {systemless} by Mike Gilbert
And Taking Its Treasure {D&D® v3.5 compatible} by Lloyd Brown III

GameMaster's Workshop

Casting Call: Pitt Crevy {HackMaster® 4th edition} by Barbara Blackburn
All Things Magic: Growth Biscuits {fantasy; systemless} by Jolly and Barbara Blackburn
Bait and Tackle: Generic Adventure Hooks and Encounters for the GM to run with {fantasy; systemless}
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Barselinda, Zentar, and Delvandeia {modern NPCs; D&D® v3.5 compatible} by Joe Charles
Deadly Trappings: The Magic Door {fantasy; systemless} by Todd Cumming
Rustlers of the Night: Voracious Changeling {HackMaster® 4th edition} by Barbara Blackburn

Regular Columns

Tales from the Table: Actual tales from the tables of our readers
Web Scryer: It Came From the Junk Drawer surfed by Kenneth Newquist
Geek Fu Action Grip: Geeky Holidays on a Shoestring observed by Mur Lafferty
Gaming the Movies: Indiana Jones by Jim Davenport


Lost Game Safari: Space 1889 scouted by Andy Miller
Lookin' at Comics: Baltimore Comicon Part II scrutinized by Tony Digerolamo
The Quotable Gamer: Games with Galactic S.E.T.I.-ings explained by William Morgal
The “Indy” Game Scene: Urchin and Risus explored by Ashok Desai
Disks of Wondrous Power: Far Cry 2 and Dead Space spun by Rick Moscatello
Board Squawk: Dexterity Games played by Nick Medinger
Off the Shelf: The Compleat Enchanter by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt pondered by Paul Westermeyer
Brian's Small Press Picks: Harnworld Potions, Bits of the Wilderness, Desolation


Cries from the Attic: Editorial of a madman
Table Talk: Our Readers Talk Back
Behind the Curtain: Contributor Biography: Jim Davenport
Game Vine
Back Room at the Games Pit
Weird Pete's Bulletin Board
Parting Shots

Other Toons

Problems Solved by the Brothers Grimm
Unnamed cartoons by Chris Avellone, Carl Evans, and Scott R. Krol