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Dark Champions - Villainy Amok

By: Hero Games

Type: Software (unboxed)

Product Line: Hero System & Champions Software (5th Edition)


MSRP old price: $20.99

Product Info

Dark Champions - Villainy Amok
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Software (unboxed)


Among the thousands of adventures Champions GMs run, a few favorite types — classics from the worlds of comic books and the movies — stand out. They get run in nearly every campaign, and sometimes multiple times within a single campaign. But if you don't watch out, these beloved classics can become stale and routine.

Enter Villainy Amok! This book looks at several of the most exciting "classic" types of scenarios and provides suggestions, options, and resources for using them in your campaign. That way you can keep them fresh and exciting even after repeated use.

Your heroes won't know what hit them when they encounter these fiendish schemes:

The bank robbery, everyone's favorite beginner and fill-in adventure.
The "prelude to alien invasion" attack.
The wonder drug that gives ordinary people superhuman powers... but with horrific side effects.
The burning building, filled with threats and opportunities for heroic action.
The scientific experiment gone awry or perverted for evil ends.
"Honey, I Shrunk The Superheroes," in which the heroes must shrink down to microscopic size to enter someone's body, or some other unusual location, to save a life or resolve a problem.
"My Big Fat Caped Wedding," in which two superheroes try to get married and many problems (ranging from the humorous to the deadly) ensue.

Last but not least, Villainy Amok has The Plot Gallery, an enormous collection of plot seeds and adventure suggestions organized by theme. So let the adventure begin! Let the villains run amok and test the powers, skill, and bravery of the heroes at every turn!