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Dro Mandras - The Free West

By: Troll Lord Games

Type: Module

Product Line: Castles & Crusades - Haunted Highlands

Product Info

Dro Mandras - The Free West
Casey Cristofferson
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


"So your going down to Dro Mandras Aye? A war going on down there friends and any fellow as goes to the city is sure to be drafted into the struggle no matter what. Hell, even I got a badge!" The fellow paused, leaning on his long bladed spear and reached under the loin-skin mantlet he wore over his steel breastplate and withdrew some form of badge, showing it off to the travelers.

"This says I'm some sort of militia captain or whatever. No matter to me, all it really means is I can kill fer the Duke if I wish, and pay out his bounties on any of tha vagrants in the area. Of course though there seemed to be a lot more of me catching and collecting and less o' me paying out before you lot showed up.”

Not far from the Crater of Umeshti in the Haunted Highlands, stands the city of Dro Mandras. It serves as the capitol of the Duchy of Karbosk and is its largest and most populated trade center. It the only regional settlement that could qualify as true civilization by any standard. But little of that remains now for the orcs hordes have issued from their holes and hovels and laid waste to the region and sacked much of the city. With a tenuous grasp The Duke holds sway to some parts of his precious city, but much lies under the iron shod heals of the orcs and is crowned, not the ducal laurels, but rather with wreath’s of blackened smoke.

Venture forth from your hard fought campaigns in the Highlands, cast aside your dark memories of the Crater and join the Duke in the defense of a city on the brink. War! War! War! Give your all for the war and save the city that is the gateway to civilization

Dro Mandos is a scaled adventure and allows CKs and players latitude in running low to mid level games in the confines of the city. The areas of adventure detailed within this tome are fluid rather than static.