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Plaguebearers of Nurgle Command

By: Games Workshop

Type: Miniatures Box Set

Product Line: Warhammer 40,000 - Chaos Daemons - Troops (28mm)

5 figures

Last Stocked on 4/15/2023

Product Info

Plaguebearers of Nurgle Command
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Age Range
14 Years and Up


Plaguebearers are the rank and file of Nurgle’s legions. These loathsome Lesser Daemons are crafted from the blighted soul-stuff of mortals who have been slain by Nurgle’s Rot. A Plaguebearer carries the marks of Nurgle’s Rot throughout eternity. What little of its skin that can be seen beneath the discharge of innumerable sores is tinged with suppurant greens and vile browns. Pus weeps continuously from a Plaguebearer’s single bloodshot eye and from its forehead protrudes a single horn – the mark of Nurgle’s Rot.

Bands of Plaguebearers are the most organized and efficient of Daemons upon the battlefield, shambling purposefully towards a chosen foe before hacking them apart with plagueswords. Should a foe endure long enough to strike back, his blows will have little effect on the Plaguebearers, for their corrupted forms feel no pain and regenerate damage at a frightening rate. It is the Plaguebearer’s eternal role to herd Nurgle’s daemonic forces in battle, as well as keep stock of the diseases, allocate appropriate fates to each new victim and attempt to maintain order amongst a naturally chaotic horde. These onerous duties have earned Plaguebearers the title of Nurgle’s Tallymen in popular lore.