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#26 "The Early European Duel, The Formidable Longsword, Legendary Swords of the Middle Ages"

By: Renaissance Magazine

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Renaissance Magazine #01-50

Last Stocked on 12/23/2018

Product Info

#26 "The Early European Duel, The Formidable Longsword, Legendary Swords of the Middle Ages"
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The Early European Duel
By Leigh Eduardo
During the reign of France's Henri IV (1589-1610), more than 4,000 men were killed in duels. Lord Herbert of Cherbury, who was visiting France during 1608, commented that there was "scarcely a man...that had not killed some other in a duel," even though six years before this the situation had become serious enough for Louis XIV to issue the first royal edict against dueling. Even Voltaire, who was no stranger to a challenge, considered Louis' eradication of duels to be one of the greatest services rendered to the country.

The Formidable Longsword
By John Clements

The medieval longsword is a familiar weapon, as it can be found in countless modern adventure films and fantasy games. Yet the long, straight, double-edged "knightly" sword with the simple crossguard has existed in great variety over the centuries, and is actually surrounded by considerable myth and misconception.

Legendary Swords of the Middle Ages
By Anjuli MacDonald of Clanranald
Legendary swords carry a mystique which rings down through the ages. But four swords dominate the annals of the Middle Ages: King Arthur's Excalibur, Roland's Durandal, Beowulf's Hrunting, and Charlemagne's Joyeuse.

The Riddle of Steel: The Neophyte's Guide to Buying a Sword
By Ken Mondschein
Today, swordsmithing is a thriving cottage industry, and part of its appeal is the sword's personal nature. Yet when it comes to actually purchasing a sword, the only guide is caveat emptor.