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#30 "The Celtic Wedding Issue"

By: Renaissance Magazine

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Renaissance Magazine #01-50

Last Stocked on 10/23/2012

Product Info

#30 "The Celtic Wedding Issue"
Publish Year
NKG Part #


For a Year and a Day: The Handfasting Celebration
by Tori Phillips
Handfasting began in the British Isles long before the 13th century, and despite discouragement by the Church, this tradition has continued well into the 20th century. In fact, in the 1970s, handfasting was adoptedby Wiccans and New Agers as an alternative wedding ceremony. Since then, handfasting has gradually become more popular among couples seeking a unique way to celebrate their union.

May I Have This Dance?
by Michelle Santos
Your dress is designed, banners and family crests have been created, vows have been written, and the JP has agreed to dress up as a monk. Now all you need to learn are a few traditional dance steps to make your wedding perfect.

Wedded Bliss in the Land of the Celts
by Lise Hull
For many people, ancient sites offer a spiritual connection with the past. So when the time comes to celebrate a marriage, having it in the mystical Celtic nations of Ireland, Scotland, or Wales can heighten the joy of that special day. Whether one prefers a traditional religious wedding, a civil wedding, or a non-traditional ceremony, couples can have their wedding at anything from a historic castle and an ancient church to a Celtic holy well; all it takes is a bit of careful planning.