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#29 "Queen Elizabeth, Mary the Tudor Rose, Lady Jane Grey"

By: Renaissance Magazine

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Renaissance Magazine #01-50

Last Stocked on 12/12/2021

Product Info

#29 "Queen Elizabeth, Mary the Tudor Rose, Lady Jane Grey"
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Elizabeth I: Fashion's Queen
There is a popular belief that Queen Elizabeth I had an insatiable appetite for new and beautiful gowns because as a child she was denied all but the most basic accoutrements and clothing. Though there can be no doubt that the circumstances of her youth influenced her political and personal decisions, the Queen's ostentation in dress was not due simply to vanity.

The Queen and the Pawn: The Destinies of Two Tudor Princesses
Into the swirling mix of 16th-century English politics were swept both a grandmother and her granddaughter whose lives would shape nations. Mary, the Tudor Rose, took hold of her life and managed it to her ultimate joy and satisfaction. But her helpless granddaughter, Lady Jane Grey, was born unprotected into a whirlpool of greed which eventually dragged her to her death--and all through a love that even kings could not expunge.

Lady Mary Wroth: Hermaphrodite or Highbrow?

Hildegard von Bingen: The Teutonic Prophetess
In an era of great minds and expanded consciousness, political and religious upheaval, the Second Crusade, soaring architecture, glorious art, and the dawn of institutions of higher learning, there arose a woman who was to take Europe by storm--Hildegard von Bingen