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Leibstandarte Pack #1 - Blitzkrieg!

By: Lone Canuck Publishing

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: ASL Scenarios (Lone Canuck Publishing)

MSRP old price: $16.00

Product Info

Leibstandarte Pack #1 - Blitzkrieg!
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8 Scenarios compatible with MMP's ASL™ System, adaptable to Critical Hit's Combat™ Tactical Wargame and other miniature Wargaming systems.

Gola Poland, 1 September 1939: Having examined the available intelligence, the commanders of Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler expected only to encounter weak resistance at first at the frontier from enemy border defenses, reinforced with Obrona Narodowa (ON) Polish National defense militia-like units. Because no sign of stronger defense installations could be found close to the Polish border, it was then likely that the Poles would at first use roadblocks and explosives to slow down the German’s progress.

Pabianice Poland, 7 September 1939: Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler was ordered to move to Pabianice and relieve the panzers and thus encircling Lodz from the south. The outstanding road conditions on this march enabled the I/Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler to reach their assembly area west of Pabianice at 1000 hours, where it ran into the I/Panzer Regiment 23 whose attack on Pabianice had just been repulsed by the strong Polish forces equipped with strong anti-tank weapons.

West of Bornebroek Holland, 9 May 1940: Finally, in the early hours of 10 May 1940, the Western Front erupted as aircraft took to the air, guns blazed, and troops in field grey went on the attack. The XVIII Armee, with its nine Infantry, one Panzer and one Kavallerie Divisions including the reinforced Infantry Regiment (mot.) Leibstandarte was to break through the Ijssel position and the Peel Line on both sides of the Lower Rhine and the lower stretch of the Maas in order to proceed against "Festung Holland". Leibstandarte having received the code word Frühjahrsbestellung "Spring Order" was to break through the Dutch frontier west of Bentheim with a northern rapid-advance group (Schnelle Gruppe Nord), then to press on to Zwolle and Deventer, and to capture the Ijssel crossings.

Zutphen Holland, 9 May 1940: At 1130 hours the southern spearhead Schnelle Gruppe Mitte (Rapid-Advance Group Centre) of Infantry Regiment (Motorized) Leibstandarte reached the bridge at Zutphen and determined that the Ijssel crossing at had been destroyed. From the upper floor of one of the higher buildings the Germans could recognize the first Dutch positions. These were bunkers built into the slope of the western riverbank and stretched several hundred meters across level meadowlands. Oberstrumführer Frey received the order to force a crossing immediately in assault-troop fashion.

Wattenburg France, 25 May 1940: The breakthrough of Panzergruppe von Kleist all the way to the English Channel at Boulogne had been completed. Panzer Division 1, just about to attack Dunkirk, had reached the Canal de l’Aa between Holque and the coast on 24 May and had established several bridgeheads, while Panzer Division 2 was to move to Watten after mopping up Boulogne. Linking up with Panzer Division 2 was Leibstandarte SS-Adolf Hitler, who where to deploy between St. Momelin and Holque. LSSAH was ordered to capture town of Watten, and then to devote itself to the defense of the line at St. Momelin.

St. Poursain France, 19 June 1940: The OKH now set the following objectives, Heersgruppe B was to push back the French across the Loire on both sides of Paris. Panzergruppe von Kleist was to proceed to Lyon, push through the Rhone Valley with its Panzers and motorized units, and send other units to the Swiss and Italian borders. The Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Motorized Regiment was attached to Panzer Division 9 of Panzergruppe von Kleist for this operation, received its orders too rapid-march to the Loire River. At 1030 hours, the advance detachment of 15 Kradschtzen-kompanie had reached the high ground about three kilometers from St. Pousain

South of Medzidli-Kenali Yugoslavia, 4 April 1941: In order to provide security along the Greek border, the commander of the reinforced I/Battalion Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler deployed Kompanie 1. It was to set out rapidly and secure the area south of the towns Lazec and Medzidli-Kenali and as far as the river. It was planned that Kompanie 1 would then turn to the east and join Kompanie 3 in advancing over the pass.

South of Lehovon Greece, 14 April 1941: The reinforced Aufklärungs-Abteilung Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler started out towards Lake Kastoria over the Kilsura pass. This advance by a motorized reconnaissance battalion over a high mountain pass, involved a record climb of 800 meters in altitude, on a road built for carts was a performance just in terms of transportation technology. Leibstandarte remained mounted until it was south of Joanina, where it encountered the Kilsura pass and faced a gate in the mountains defended by an enemy fighting with firm resolve.