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Last Stocked on 2/19/2025

Product Info

Totensonntag (1st Edition)
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
14 Years and Up
# Players
1 - 2 Players
Game Length
120 Minutes


Totensonntag is the first offering in the Corps Command series from Lock'n Load Publishing. Corps Command games are designed to be played - they are light on rules and require merely a couple hours to finish. The emphasis here is on lean, mean and simple.

The heart of the game system is the initiative mechanic. The players' initiative rolls determine not only who acts first, but also which units move and how far they go. A player will often be forced to decide between getting there fast and arriving with the biggest force.

Combat hurts and then it kills. There are no complex tables or intricate subsystems, only an attack roll and the application of damage. As units accumulate hits, their combat effectiveness gradually declines until they finally shatter and fall apart completely. Players will want to pull their forces back before they reach such a level of misery and degradation, but will the initiative system give them the chance to do so?

Neither player is a spectator. The Commonwealth begins the game on the offensive but the Afrika Korps cannot sit idly by, lest it be defeated in detail. The strategic situation, combined with the initiative system, ensures that no two games will play out the same way.

Designed by Peter Bogdasarian, Corps Command is an introduction to not only a game, but a complete operational gaming system. Totensonntag is just the beginning. Follow on modules are in the works for Operation Goodwood, Prochorovka, and Kasserine Pass.


A 17" x 22" mounted map that even makes the harsh, North African desert look inviting.
88 manly, yet colorful, 5/8" counters, representing the men and equipment that fought the first battle of Sidi Rezegh.
Easy to learn, quick to read, rules. Be up and playing in less time than it takes to set up other games. Better yet, you can play a game in less time than it takes to sit through an episode of CSI.
Players' Aid card and Terrain Effects Chart.
Everything tucked neatly into a sharp-looking box.