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#134 "Back to Basics"

By: Kenzer & Co.

Type: Comic

Product Line: Knights of the Dinner Table Comic - #101 - #150

MSRP old price: $4.99

Product Info

#134 "Back to Basics"
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


The Strips

Send in the Drones
Lost in Space
No Free Lunch
Man with the Plan
One-Two Punches

Gamemaster's Workshop

Close Encounters of the Random Kind: d14 Drunkard Generator{fantasy} by Brian Smith
Casting Call: Stable Boy Banji "Skip" Semmes {HackMaster} by Jolly and Barbara Blackburn
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Princess Kenslea, Branog Paru, Sla'Kuff {fantasy} by Barbara Blackburn
Bait and Tackle: Adventure Hooks for your campaign {systemless}
All Things Magic: Alagden's Cube of Siege {HackMaster} by Robert Snyder
Deadly Trappings: The Not So Portable Hole {fantasy} by Adam Leech
Rustlers of the Night: Chi'reen the Avenging Fairy {HackMaster} by Barbara Blackburn
GMW: Breaking in the New Guy {systemless}by Ross Payton

Regular Columns

The "Indy" Game Scene: The Shadow of Yesterday reviewed by Ahsok Desai
Hacker's Guide to Garweeze Wurld: Flataroy Villa: Dungeon Level 1 by James Montney {HackMaster}
Tales from the Table: Actual Home-brewed legends from our readers
Lost Game Safari: Snapshot scouted by Andy Miller
Lookin' at Comics by Tony Digerolamo
A Gamer's Rant on Movies: the Last Starfighter yelled at by Noah Antwiler
Summon Web Scryer: Gaming Blogs surfed by Kenneth Newquist
Geek Fu Action Grip observed by Mur Lafferty
Disks of Wondrous Power: Quake Wars: Enemy Territory, and Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa reviewed by Rick Moscatello
Off the Shelf: Bloodring by Faith Hunder reviewed by Joel Stetson
Board Squawk: Felix the Cat in the Sack reviewed by Nick Medinger


Player's Advantage: The Feats Make the Man {d20} by Stefen Styrsky
Gamer's Pulpit: {guest editorial} by Barbara Blackburn and the Ladies of Hack
Marshal Patterson's Guide to Law and Order {western} by Jolly Blackburn and various law enforcement professionals


Cries from the Attic
Table Talk
Game Vine
Back Room at the Games Pit
Brian's Small Press Picks
Weird Pete's Bulletin Board
Parting Shots

Homebrew Strips

Fuzzy Knights: Splinter Faction by Noah Chinn
The Chain of Command by the Brothers Grimm
Unnamed cartoons by Chris Avellone, Bill "Indy" Cavalier, Jerry Duginski, Carl Evans, and Joseph Hellar