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Last Stocked on 1/23/2008

Product Info

D-Day Set #1
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


This set consists of eleven pieces of terrain for defense of beaches. The two dragons teeth sections are cast in plastic, all other pieces are cast in Hydrocal Gypsum. Pieces are painted, flocked, and sealed for durability. The set includes a bunker, the bunker base is approximately 5.5 inches wide, 4.5 inches deep, and 1.75 inches tall. Interior dimensions are approximately 3.75 inches wide, 2.5 inches deep, and 1.25 inches tall.

The bunker accepts a large Flames of War base or up to several smaller ones. It has four openings for fire ports, two on the front, and one on each side. It has a removable roof. Four sand bag bunkers, two that accept up to large Flames of War Bases and two that accept two small bases. A large gun emplacement that is approximately 5 inches wide, 5 inches deep, and 1 inch tall. There are three concrete barrier pieces for tank obstacles. One piece is approximately 5 inches wide, 2.5 inches deep, and .5 inches tall. The second is approximately 3.5 inches wide, 2. inches deep, and .5 inches tall. The last piece is approximately 1.25 inches wide, 1.2.5 inches deep, and .5 inches tall. Two sections of Dragons Teeth are provided, approximately 6 inches wide, 1.5 inches deep, and .75 inches tall.