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Last Stocked on 9/24/2016

Product Info

United States Auto Club - Auto Racing Game
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Billed as the Official Game of the United States Auto Club. On an oval track you can run up to 33 cars. Each car has its own driver card from the drivers of the time. Ongais, Foyt, Unser, Sneva, Mears, Rutherford etc, all of the biggies are included.

Each driver card has 6 tables on the back. For moving you chose weather you are going to drive normally, charge or back off and roll 2 dice on the appropriate table. The result will tell you how far you can move or if you have car trouble. There are 2 trouble tables that can slow you down or knock you out of the race. There is also a pit stop table which controls how many turns you must sit at the pits before leaving.

The game is driven on Stats and can be played solitaire.