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Wargaming English Civil War Cavalry Actions

By: Partizan Press

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Historical Miniature Rules - English Civil War (Partizan Press)

Last Stocked on 1/22/2022

Product Info

Wargaming English Civil War Cavalry Actions
Stephen Maggs
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Many gamers have only dreamt about staging the larger battles of the English Civil War, perhaps due to the cost of figures or the time to collect and paint such large forces, and have in the past portrayed only a part of a battle. This guide then hopes to continue that trend, but only concentrating on the cavalry actions that took place. The scenarios that are contained in this guide will enable the gamer to play one or two actions in an afternoon at the wargames club. Many of the scenarios include cavalry and dragoons only but as some of the actions were very small engagements it only seemed reasonable to portray the infantry too. The games are designed to portray a single cavalry charge and so in many games the action will be swift and brutal, as was in many of the actions that took place throughout the war .

Although the regiments, listed in the 'Orders of Battle' for each scenario, are the actual regiments that took part in the battle the number of men and figures quoted are there for guidance only. Your own chosen rule set will be your best guide to the size of a wargames regiment. A very brief guide to the type of arms, armour, tactics and equipment has been included showing the differing types of cavalry available to the E.C.W gamer and I have, for the newcomer to this hobby, included a few notes on tactics on the tabletop.